A coffee cake and I on TV!

How a coffee cake became the start of a new chapter in photography. Read the story first and then we’ll talk!

Everything began with a simple question the dearest chef Andreas Lagos pose to me: “Do you want to come over at the TV show Chef on Air?”… I, naively, answered positively, having in mind to see the TV show behind the camera!… little I knew! After a few days, the most polite girl ever, Areti, from the Prosenghisi production company, was over the phone, talking about recipes, preparations, directions, etc.

A little aloof, stage frighten… I presented myself at the studio, much earlier than I was supposed to be there… stress you see! Well, it was much easier than I thought, as everyone working there, makes you feel like you are one of the guys!
Hours went by so easily next to the awesome and easygoing Eleni Psyhouli and Andreas Lagos, presenting us with recipes about crab and olive bread… which both disappear in moments!

My little contribution was a recipe for a coffee cake with hazelnuts… simple and full of aroma… especially for coffee lovers!

If you wish to see the show you can do it over here… The show is in Greek…

The hospitality was warm and the experience was more than great! Thank you all!

(a little confession: on the photo it was supposed to be a whole cake… I made the mistake of shooting the cake the next day… this is what I found in the morning!)


Coffee Cake Confessions

As a wedding photographer, my heart skips a beat when I witness two people committing to a lifetime of love and happiness. Capturing those magical moments fills me with joy and excitement. But you know what else makes my camera click with delight? Coffee cakes! Yes, you heard that right!

Now, you might be wondering, what do coffee cakes have to do with wedding photography? Well, let me tell you a little story. One fine day, while photographing a wedding reception, I stumbled upon the most gorgeous coffee cake. It was a masterpiece of flavors and textures, beautifully adorned with luscious cream and delicate decorations. My taste buds did a happy dance, and my photographer instincts kicked in simultaneously.

Without missing a beat, I snapped a few shots of that delectable delight, and oh boy, the result was mouthwatering! The way the light bounced off the cake’s surface, highlighting every intricate detail, made it look like a work of art. That moment sparked a new passion within me – food photography.

From that day forward, I delved into the world of food, experimenting with different dishes, colors, and compositions. I discovered that capturing the essence of culinary creations is not so different from capturing the essence of a wedding day. Both require attention to detail, an eye for beauty, and the ability to freeze a fleeting moment in time.

Adding food photography to my repertoire has been an absolute treat (pun intended!). Not only do I get to indulge in the deliciousness of coffee cakes and other culinary delights, but I also get to capture their essence in a way that makes people’s taste buds tingle just by looking at the photos.

If you’re looking for a wedding photographer who not only captures your special day with love and care but also knows a thing or two about capturing the delectable delights that accompany it, I’m your person. Together, we’ll create a wedding album that not only showcases your love story but also tantalizes the senses with scrumptious food photography.

Cheers, to love, laughter, and coffee cakes! Let’s make your wedding day a feast for the eyes and the taste buds.