Black & White Wedding Photography in Greece

The Beauty of Black & White Wedding Photography is Timeless

Black & White Wedding Photography

Give me a reason to use Black & White Wedding Photography and I will love you forever and ever. Yes, I am madly in love with B&W Wedding Photography!

The story behind this gorgeous wedding is a bit personal, so get a glass of red wine and some music in the background before you start reading it. The groom and I were no strangers.

I knew Vaggelis quite some years now, as he was one of my students in the photography class I used to teach. I was of course over the moon when he introduced me to his fiancée more than a year ago and told me that they were planning to do an autumnal wedding and that they would like me to capture their beautiful day!

Feelings are always intense when I get to be a part of a couple’s wedding that I know and love. I confess that a tear might drop but my camera makes sure to keep it between us as a good teammate!


Wedding Photography in Greece

Their wedding in the city of Megara was full of laughters, hugs, big smiles and a lot of dancing! We danced until our feet could not handle it anymore!

As the wedding was in October, one of my favorite autumnal months, we decided to do the day after shooting in a fairytale Greek location, the mount Pelion. The mountain of Centaurs as the myth says is stunning in its nature and beauty against a backdrop of sea and sand.  Thick vegetation, oak forests and fir trees in abound, Pelion is a magical place to be.


Couples Wedding Portraits

We decided to get lost a bit in the forest and get soaked in the autumnal atmosphere that nature had to offer us: golden and brown leaves fallen on the ground as a huge carpet, welcomed us as we walked into the forest.

We found our perfect spot on the Centaurs’ path. The nearby stream, the leaves falling and the birds singing was the perfect soundtrack for the newlyweds who did not need much to give me and my camera the perfect shots for what I adore most: beauty and emotions! The beauty of a couple in love and the strong emotions that are so real that you could almost touch them with your hands as they gaze into each other eyes and connect…


The Beauty of Black & White Photography

I’ve chosen to present the images in black and white as I believe that b/w photos depict the raw sentiment in the best way possible.

The eye is no more bewitched by the mighty effect that colors have and one can focus on the moment. The art of Photography started from black and white and every great photographer back then had all the tones of silver to express their reality, their art and touch people.

Black and white photography is where I started and why I’ve fallen in love with photography in the first place. It taught me to respect the moment and my frame. It taught me not to be affected by superfluous details and stick to my truth…


Fine Art Wedding Photography

There is something magical in the process of taking black & white photographs. You focus more on the present moment in a way where eternity seems so much friendlier. In other words,  black & white photography transforms a photograph into a work of art.

It takes time to develop a sensitive eye on what to keep into your frame. You become a sharp collector of light and shadows! When photography shakes off colors and speaks through B&W hues then it gets more emotional. Amazing, right?

B&W photography makes our moments look & feel more intimate. It lets your personality and character shine in ways that you never knew that ever existed. By definition, B&W photos have the power to stress out that our memories are memorable and significant.


Monika Kritikou

Being a professional wedding photographer for more than a decade it provided me the privilege to travel all over Greece & Europe.

As the years go by, I am surer than ever before, that growing up affects the way you take pictures. Your attention is caught up in different things. Getting wiser and stronger, this inner peace of mind guides you with a steady hand to look into the people’s hearts. Your camera becomes the bridge between reality and the unseen world of emotions.

With every single click, a photographer re-introduces his/her personality to the world because we see things the way we are shaped by our experiences & skills. To make a long story short,  life is built on how well we know ourselves.

An exceptional photographer uses intuition and trust, above and beyond all the technical skills. In Fine Art Wedding Photography that factor is what separates random clicks from making art.

B&W photography has the ability to eliminate unnecessary noise or distraction from an image. The simplicity of black and white tones do all the heavy lifting of unspoken words and emotions… it transforms a picture into a story that reveals the inner truth of the moment.

My mission is to capture your intimate truth!

I want to become the storyteller of your wedding and let the important people of your life see the beauty and the passion you share. To portray the excitement, the joy, the magic… the dreams and wishes that come true on your wedding day!

Let’s have a cup of coffee!  Jump into my contact page and get my camera on your big day.