Engagement Photography
A pre-wedding photography by the sea is always the perfect choice for a young couple! Martina and John are ready to dive into life’s deep sea.
Young love… when you are so much in love that your whole soul is full of your other half!
Martina and John got to know each other during summer vacations… when your spirit is free for adventures and open to meet new people.
They departed for a while but destiny wanted them together and after a while they decided to join their lives. A classic engagement was their choice and all relatives came together to celebrate with them.
The engagement photography session was a present for them. To celebrate their love and have a special moment being officially a couple for a first time…
Western Athens
Few people know that Athens has magnificent seaside locations in less in an hour distance. So we decided to take advantaged of the famous Athenian light and the deep blue sea scenery.