Merry Christmas!

Enjoy every crumble of the cookie!

Merry Christmas!

This Christmas has a special place in history. It is indeed a rough one, as we are obliged to spend it away from friends and restrict our social life. Some of us will even not be able to spend it with family. However, not everything is bad and not all is lost. This Christmas, even more than ever I feel the magic power that family has.


An old tree

This year, we decorated my family Christmas tree I had as a teenager, with new and old ornaments. Embellishments and items that are even older than the tree itself: dated 50 years ago or more, made from glass or wood and of course handmade. Some of them even ugly or outdated but nevertheless with great sentimental value.

They reminded me of unique, happy and jolly moments I had the luck to spend with my family. A trip down to memory lane and everything I’ve learned and enjoy during my childhood Christmas. Spending time decorating again this old tree made me grasp a bit of the beauty in living in the moment like a child. A truly unique virtue and maybe a bit of a super power nowadays!



So, with that in mind I wish you a Jolly Merry Christmas, full of hugs from your loved ones, full of pretty thoughts and optimism. Live your moments and let them become memories to treasure in the future. And don’t forget to eat that Christmas cookie! Life is short and full of surprises!