When a cat loves a lady, the story of an unusual boudoir

My name is Álvar, King Álvar and you may adore me!

The Story of an Unusual Boudoir

This unusual boudoir photography session had it all, love, surprises and an irresistible cat with a strong personality. Try not to fall in love with Álvar!

After 10 years as a professional wedding photographer, I had the pleasure to experience an unusual boudoir photography session. Who said that a cat boudoir photography can’t be awesome? During this photoshoot, I discovered that I can love cats as much as I love my dogs. To be honest this little ex-tomcat behaved more like a dog… he could attend and follow our pace of work effortlessly. Amazing, right?

It’s so refreshing to be invited for boudoir photography that is out of the box thanks to a tiny loving cat. This photo session had it all: love, surprises and an irresistible cat with a strong personality. And her lady couldn’t hide her love for little Álvar.


Purr-fect Kitty Superstar

Did you know that cats are born superstars? Well, I didn’t. They want all the attention and admiration for themselves. Although the plan was to have a boudoir photography session for a stylish lady, her cat decided that human plans should be reconsidered and been revised immediately. When a four-leg king is entering the room, everyone must stop and pet him endlessly. Yeap, the cat wants what the cat wants! Who am I after all… just a professional photographer with a soft spot for anything with a tail.

While I was trying to guide Gogo on how to pose for the photo session, the cat got it and stand still as if he could understand my instructions. Swipe that! He understood me perfectly. My presumptions that cats are lazy and not so collaborative disappeared in a second. I could swear that he lead the boudoir photoshoot like a supermodel.


This is a big love affair

The day started with our appointment at Gogo’s house for our first introduction. Her grace and kindness filled in the room with a magical atmosphere. Her calm body movements were giving the impression of a dancer.

During our coffee, we arranged all the details for the photoshoot and then Álvar decided that his plans were much better. He wanted to be part of the picture. After a thorough inspection of my photo gear & bag, he walked decisively in the center of the room and let me pet him.

What a wonderful creature, indeed! Álvar was patient and respected the process as an experienced human model. Witnessing their special bond with Gogo, made me think how delightful it is to have this kind of love into your life. Oh yes, I am hopelessly romantic when it comes to pet bonding. But who wouldn’t?

It was a purr-fect boudoir photography session!



Photographer: @fiorellophotography
Featured: www.andro.gr
Location: Athens, Greece